Funny, just a year after taking US GOVT 2305, my Typology has changed from Libertarian to Post-Modern. Does this mean I changed my political views drastically since last July? Hmmmm. Kinda. I now follow some political arguments, and even care to vote! Even locally. As I struggle to juggle life, school, and work in this great state, my ignorance is waning, and I'm realizing (yes, at 30 years old) that I can make my own future, not only financially, but politically.
I have a few projects in the works this year: raising my GPA, paying off some loans, getting more fit, starting a small business and charity-based advertising firm, and the ultimate, near impossible goal: Getting My TX Driver's License back! This will require paying off thousands in surcharges, appealing a DWI conviction, much time, money, influence and research.
I'll be starting a local movement aimed at Taking Down the Driver "Responsibility" Surcharge Program; a horrible, financially debilitating, recurring tax implemented on certain Texas drivers for (sometimes) minor offenses. Maybe, with a little shared knowledge and a lot of backing, You, my followers, can help...
Here's to a great semester!
About Me

- R. Zeke R.
- Austin, Tx, United States
- 30 yr old Screenwriter/Server/Bartender/RTVF Major at ACC. Plans to continue to Vancouver Film School, possibly transfer to UT. Dream of the good life, making movies, a beachfront house, and one day being able to afford to reinstate my Texas Driver's License. Interests include my dogs, runnin, bikin, boozin, learnin, livin, Photogene, making remixes and making fun of things. FUN FACT!: My nemeses usually die untimely deaths, so try and stay on my good side. Watch out TX DPS; I'm coming to claim what's mine!
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