About Me

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Austin, Tx, United States
30 yr old Screenwriter/Server/Bartender/RTVF Major at ACC. Plans to continue to Vancouver Film School, possibly transfer to UT. Dream of the good life, making movies, a beachfront house, and one day being able to afford to reinstate my Texas Driver's License. Interests include my dogs, runnin, bikin, boozin, learnin, livin, Photogene, making remixes and making fun of things. FUN FACT!: My nemeses usually die untimely deaths, so try and stay on my good side. Watch out TX DPS; I'm coming to claim what's mine!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

"Change is good" or "Not as Stubborn as I Sound"

I realized 3 things after I first blogged:

1. That I meant to call my Blog Links "Blogs of Interest" and not "Favorite Blogs," because in all honesty, I don't know enough of their content to side with them wholeheartedly (I know, just a pseudonym for my political views all together). I only picked them because I've run across them or heard of them before. My News Sources on the other hand are my genuine sources of current events. I think Reuters tops them for speed, clarity, and unbiased reporting. Just my opinion.

2. That I probably sound a lot dumber and more bull-headed than I am, as if "I just don't care what happens to us." Believe me, I was offended by how "ignorant" the supplementary reading says we are, I just don't yet have the answers as to who I should support and why. I am always up for enlightenment.

3. That I didn't include insight as to why I'm taking the class, aside from it being a necessity. I do love to learn about things around me, and be better prepared for whatever obstacle may come my way. But some things are far more interesting when observed from afar. To me, politics has always fascinated me, but to such a soap-operaesque point, that I always feel it is unnecessarily dramatic, and I am out of the loop because I haven't been following it from the beginning. Kinda like I came into a losing baseball game too late, and now I feel I could never contribute enough to make a difference and bring my team out from behind in the last inning.

I know that sounds dismal, but I also know I can't be alone in this perspective. I bet several "younger" folks just don't like to get involved because they fear they can't change things, not because they don't want to. So, during this shortest of semesters, I would hope to learn a new way of thinking that my opinion does matter, and that I can make a difference. And maybe have a little more faith that somebody up there, in their lofty position of power is doing something right.

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